
Finalists for the 2021 HR&M Project award


GEN-I’s strength relies on knowledge. We therefore focus on our greatest asset: our employees. In accordance with our values, as already noted on this website, we quickly responded to the unpredictable circumstances in which we found ourselves during the coronavirus pandemic that understandably weakened the general well-being of many people.

Our project ‘Stay together – retention of employees during the (post-)coronavirus period’ was selected among the finalists for the 2021 HR&M project in the category of large companies.

GEN-I’s strength relies on knowledge. We therefore focus on our greatest asset: our employees. In accordance with our values, as already noted on this website, we quickly responded to the unpredictable circumstances in which we found ourselves during the coronavirus pandemic that understandably weakened the general well-being of many people.  

We responded to the needs of employees and established practices that spread a positive psychology and support well-being: Culture of traits, Psychological well-being, and the digital Career well-being module. Every practice serves its purpose, but shares a broad common denominator, i.e. sharing a compelling vision with employees and giving them confidence to stay together, even in this (post-)coronavirus period.

In January 2021, we began implementing the Culture of traits, i.e. a strategic development policy that, by focusing on the potentials and strong points of an individual, pursues a positive psychology philosophy and, in the culture of the Company, creates conditions not only for well-being but also for the achievement of the best possible work results. A portion of the project will be completed in January 2022, while the second part, which focuses on managers, will continue throughout next year. You are invited to see here what our employees think about our culture of traits.

The digital Career well-being module, with which we upgraded the existing application for the recording of objectives and key results (OKR), was created in the period August 2021 to October 2021. The OKR application was developed internally two years ago. By upgrading the application, we provided employees with a digital platform to monitor their well-being on their career path. We use the platform to encourage employees to regularly monitor their well-being and to discuss any changes thereto with their supervisor as soon as possible.

The newest practice of ‘Psychological well-being’ was developed in September 2021 and is expected to continue until March 2022. Our managers and experienced colleagues were offered an opportunity to strengthen their own psychological well-being through three individual professional approaches from which they could choose. Due to tremendous interest expressed by employees, we also added relaxation and meditation group workshops, and thus managed to include even more employees in the project.

We are pleased that we managed to qualify as a finalist for the 2021 HR&M project award with the presented practices. We thus received additional confirmation that our efforts and concern for our employees has also been recognized outside the Company.

Everyday at GEN-I

In the section ‘Everyday at GEN-I’, we present the Company’s culture, which we build and strengthen through various corporate activities and informal gatherings. You can find articles that introduce you to our colleagues – who they are, what they do and what working for GEN-I means to them.

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