Giving back to society through commitment and responsibility
Through innovative technologies and digital solutions, we make it possible for each person to contribute to the protection of the environment in a simple way. Sustainable and with the satisfaction of doing good. For ourselves and for future generations.
Customer services
Global warming requires changes in the energy sector, which pushes electricity customers to take on an active role. Our new services promote the connection of households, companies and public institutions in energy communities.
In cooperation with the local community, we constructed the first community power plant in Budanje and connected its users in an energy community. This brings members long-term savings in electricity costs and allows them to share the generated electricity as they see fit. The sharing of energy from community power plants is expected to be expanded throughout Slovenia. GEN-I plans to construct solar power plants with a capacity of 100 MW. It also plans to distribute the energy that will be generated by these plants to 25,000 households via the leasing of solar panels.
and donations
Since actions for a green future also require endurance and motivation, we support sports clubs and events where the young and those who are young at heart hone their abilities and overcome obstacles of various kinds.
Sponsorship and donation funds are allocated according to a reactive model; most are earmarked for sports, primarily to local clubs that promote youth sporting activities. In the professional field, we earmark sponsorship funds for activities aimed at education and training, and the search for the best energy practices and solutions. Our donations focus primarily on charitable causes. We will continue to earmark financial support to areas that contribute to the development of our activity and that share our vision and mission.
Culture of
Work and the achievement of ambitious objectives are not enough. Our contribution to the broader society is vital.
Our organizational culture is based on our values, in particular inclusion and flexibility. It requires continuous learning, innovation and sustainable development. Our employees are already connecting today in interdisciplinary teams, via which we will also develop future agile work methods and encourage the seeking of advanced solutions with a positive impact on people and the environment.
Growth and development of employees
Our employees are the foundation of our success and the key to implementing our vision of a carbon-free future. We spread environmental awareness and responsibility for changes among employees through contemporary HR practices.
We focus on creating the best possible work environment for top experts and talents of all generations. We place the growth and development of employees at the forefront. Realizing that our work tasks will change significantly over time, we seek talented people of the future who have environmental awareness, are curious and committed to learning, and are open to diversity, new experiences and approaches. We value courage and boldness in discovering unknown areas with the aim of finding innovative solutions.
Transparency in
Operations that are based on the highest standards of business ethics and a Management Board that leads the company by example make up the outline of our success story.
We also attribute our success to active cooperation and open communication with all major stakeholders, i.e. employees, customers, owners, financial institutions, local communities and non-governmental organizations. In the future, we will continue to promote the development of mechanisms for the participation of employees in the management of the company. We will respect opinions, encourage dialogue and develop forums for discussion with major stakeholders during the implementation of the green strategy and other strategic objectives. We also include information about the non-financial position of the company in our reports in accordance with valid international standards.