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Oktobra 2024 je stopil v veljavo nov način obračunavanja energije. Preberite si več o spremembah, ki jih prinaša.

Zamenjajte dobavitelja

Vse potrebno za menjavo ali izbiro dobavitelja v vašem imenu naredimo mi. Vi nam posredujete le svoje podatke in izberete način za podpis pogodbe.

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Ponedeljek–petek: od 8. do 20. ure Sobota: od 8. do 14. ure Nedelja in prazniki: zaprto
Izračunajte prihranek

Svoje prihranke lahko hitro in enostavno izračunate kar sami z uporabo našega spletnega kalkulatorja.

Asset Optimization Department Manager (m/f)

The GEN-I Group is expanding into global markets, including beyond Europe, and is embracing Industry 4.0. To achieve its ambitious goals, GEN-I is opening new job positions in one of the most attractive sectors of modern times: trading. Trading is one of the pillars of GEN-I, with operations in 22 countries and currently managing 16 subsidiaries, making it one of the leading companies in the energy sector.

Tvoji izzivi
  • Oversee the department responsible for managing and optimizing the production of GEN-I’s rapidly expanding portfolio of solar and wind power plants, batteries, and other energy devices. 
  • Actively lead, mentor, and develop a team of analysts and developers to achieve departmental goals. 
  • Drive the development of production optimization strategies, emphasizing the monetization of production flexibility in intraday and balancing markets. 
  • Perform comprehensive market trend analyses and create long-term growth plans for the department. 
  • Steer the development of GEN-I’s virtual power plant infrastructure to enhance operational efficiency. 
  • Collaborate on the preparation of business plans for investments in large-scale energy projects, including batteries, solar, and wind power plants.
Naša pričakovanja
  • Experience: minimum 5 years of experience in the field of power asset optimization on intraday and balancing markets. Extensive expertise in European power markets and regulatory frameworks is expected. 
  • Education: a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a scientific field (mathematics, physics, science, electrical engineering or other related fields) or in quantitative finance. 
  • Leadership: strong drive for developing and managing a team of employees with leadership experience is highly desired. 
  • Analytical skills: advanced analytical capabilities, including proficiency in utilizing complex tools and methodologies.
  • Technological Proficiency: strong technical skills, including experience with trading platforms, data analysis software, and programming languages. 
  • Language Skills: fluency in English is required.
Nudimo ti
  • Development Opportunities: professional and personal growth supported by training and mentoring programs. 
  • Compensation: competitive salary package with a well-defined and motivating bonus scheme. 
  • Innovative Work: at GEN-I, we will rely on your skills to develop and optimize trading strategies and algorithms that drive energy trading. Become a key player in creating algorithms for the intelligent control of battery storage systems, EV chargers, and other energy devices. 
  • Advanced Technology: you'll use modern machine learning and artificial intelligence methods, enabling you to discover and interpret patterns in enormous amounts of data. 
  • Impact on the Future: your contributions will support sustainable energy market development and global green transition goals. You will also be able to collaborate with other departments to develop innovative energy management solutions for households and businesses.
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Ob prijavi oddaj svoj življenjepis in motivacijsko pismo v naslednjih jezikih: Angleščina

Rok prijave je do vključno 17. 01. 2025