
Russian breathing “exercise” with Manca Izmajlova


Breathing is the only autonomous life function that we can control. This means that it is controlled by the body, but with awareness, we can change the way we breathe. Most of the time, we are not even aware of our breathing patterns. The ancient yogis believed that we have a limited number of breaths in life. If so, why not breathe slower and deeper and extend your life? In a couple of week-long workshops with Manka Izmajlova, we learned Russian breathing techniques and how to increase our energy levels through breathing.

Our breath is an indicator of our mood and our mood is an indicator of our breath. This means that when we change the way we breathe, our mood changes. And vice versa, when our mood changes, our breathing changes. In times of the COVID-19 pandemic and strict measures, breathing is even more important. No one knows how long the strict measures will be in place, but we can do the most for our own health and well-being.

Even though we are working from home again, we are discussing and sharing useful articles about working from home with colleagues, encouraging contact and informal communication between colleagues, and inviting virtual workouts and other challenges to keep in touch and physically fit.

One of the sessions that took place virtually was a Russian breathing workshop with Manca Izmajlova. Over six consecutive workshops, we (re) learned how to strengthen mental focus, increase energy levels, and improve health and resilience. In Russia, this breathing technique is an integral part of official medicine, as it has a remarkable effect on the immune system, sleep, and the body’s regenerative processes as well as preventing respiratory problems. It significantly improves the atmosphere of the business team and has a remarkable effect on well-being, concentration, and ability to work as well as improving the ability to speak in public, express ideas and have a positive outlook on things.  

At each session, in addition to the exercises, Manca touched on topics that are important building blocks for maintaining physical and mental health, such as diet, exercise, attitude to work and career, self-confidence, self-discipline, etc.  

We learned that proper breathing is essential for everyone. The aim of the exercises was to restore our natural reflex breathing and significantly improve our psycho-physical well-being. As we may remember from our childhood.  

Everyday at GEN-I

In the section ‘Everyday at GEN-I’, we present the Company’s culture, which we build and strengthen through various corporate activities and informal gatherings. You can find articles that introduce you to our colleagues – who they are, what they do and what working for GEN-I means to them.

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