All energy for your company in one place.
All energy for your company in one place.
We believe that we can only create a better future by making the right joint decisions. By selecting CO2-free electricity, you will reduce the carbon footprint of your company and reduce its impact on climate change. Change the future with us.
Selection of source
Simple switching
Continuous support
In addition to carbon-free electricity, we also offer you the supply of natural gas, as we are aware that transitioning to carbon-free energy sources does not happen overnight. Ensure all the energy for your company in one place.
Simple switching
Continuous support
Guaranteed convenience
The sun is unlimited and represents the cleanest source of energy. It is thus our first choice among carbon-free sources. Ensure solar energy directly from the roof of your company, and become self-sufficient by setting up your own solar power plant.
Savings on bills
Independence from market prices
Concern for the environment
Monday to Friday: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday: from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sunday and holidays: closed