
New tariff for the self-supply of household customers


With effect from 1 January 2024, the change in the electricity tariff on the regular electricity price list, which is called the Regular Electricity Price List for Self-Supply of Household Customers, and that involves a change of the price of the monthly fee and the application of a reduced monthly fee when taking advantage of the ECO discount for electronic billing if you choose to receive an electronic bill, will come into force.

From and including 1 January 2024 until amended/revoked, the new electricity tariff price will be: for ST: EUR 0.15390/kWh (price excl. VAT) or EUR 0.18776/kWh (price incl. 22% VAT), and the monthly fee will be EUR 1.99/metering point/month (price excl. VAT) or EUR 2.43/metering point/month (price incl. 22% VAT). From and including 1 January 2024 onwards, if you choose to receive an electronic bill, we will also apply an ECO discount within the above regular price list, which will allow you to reduce the cost of your monthly fee, which in this case will be EUR 0.99/metering point/month (price excl. VAT) or EUR 1.21/metering point/month (price incl. 22% VAT). As of 31 December 2023, the Electricity Price List for Household Customers Who Suffered Damage in the Floods, which applies on the basis of indents 2 and 3 of paragraph two of Article 113 of the Act Determining Intervention Measures for Recovery from the Floods and Landslides of August 2023 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 97/23) to household customers included in a self-supply system affected by the floods and landslides of August 2023, will also expire and cease to apply.

This means that, as from 1 January 2024, until amended/revoked, we will supply electricity to all household customers included in a self-supply system at the new electricity tariffs plus a monthly fee or a reduced monthly fee when taking advantage of the ECO discount on the Regular Electricity Price List for Self-Supply of Household Customers. In addition, we will continue to apply the existing benefit to your monthly fee within the scope of the above-mentioned price list.

The application of the new electricity tariff and the monthly fee or the reduced monthly fee when taking advantage of the ECO discount, if you choose to receive an electronic bill for each metering point, may result in an increase in the payment for electricity for household customers included in self-supply to whom the supplier GEN-I, d.o.o. will supply electricity according to the above-mentioned price list on 1 January 2024 and thereafter.

In accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity to Household Customers (hereinafter referred to as the “General Terms and Conditions”), household customers have the right to withdraw from their electricity supply contract(s) and self-supply contract(s) in writing within one month of the new tariff coming into force, without notice and without penalty. The written notice of withdrawal may be sent to the supplier’s e-mail/postal address. In this case, the household customer included in self-supply must make the change as soon as possible in accordance with the regulations, and the supplier GEN-I, d.o.o. will not arrange this change for the customer. The supplier will charge the customer for electricity according to the new tariff until the formal change of supplier. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the customer must pay all outstanding financial obligations to the supplier.

In accordance with the legal requirements and the provisions of the above-mentioned General Terms and Conditions, the household customers included in self-supply have been informed of the effective date of the change in tariffs and the price list as well as of the right to withdraw directly by means of a letter which is considered as an addendum to the concluded electricity supply contract and is legally binding.

The price list and further information are available here.


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