
New tariff prices in the regular electricity pricelist for small business customers


New tariff prices in the regular electricity pricelist for small business customers will be as follows from July 1, 2022 on (inclusive): PT: €0.11399/kWh; OT: €0.8999/kWh; ST: €0.10799/kWh (prices excluding VAT). The entry into force of the new tariff prices could mean an increase in payments for electricity supplied to small business customers (hereinafter: customers) by the supplier GEN-I, d.o.o., (hereinafter: the seller) on and after July 1, 2022 according to the aforementioned pricelist (also, for example, following the expiration of the validity of prices agreed in any annex to the relevant supply contract).


In accordance with the general terms and conditions of GEN-I, d.o.o. for the supply of electricity to small business customers (hereinafter: the general terms and conditions), customers have the right to withdraw from a previously concluded electricity supply contract or contracts within one month following the entry into force of new tariff prices, without the obligation to give notice or pay a contractual penalty. Written withdrawal can be sent electronically or by regular mail to the seller’s address. In this case, a customer shall switch suppliers by the first possible deadline in accordance with valid regulations. GEN-I, d.o.o. shall not be obliged to arrange that switch for the customer. The seller shall charge the customer for electricity according to the new tariff prices (unless prices agreed in an annex to the relevant contract are valid) until the formal switching of suppliers. In the event of withdrawal from a contract, a customer shall settle all previously unsettled financial liabilities to the seller.


Taking into account legal requirements and the provisions of the above-mentioned general terms and conditions, customers shall be informed of changes and the effective date of new tariff prices and the right of withdrawal directly by means of notification on the reverse side of the electricity bill or by separate letter, which shall be deemed an annex to the relevant contract and shall be legally binding.


Changes to the pricelist in the form of new tariff prices are accessible here.


The amount of the monthly fee, the reduced fee for the application of the ECO discount for the receipt of an electronic bill invoice and the price for the selection of energy source in the regular electricity pricelist for small business customers remain unchanged.


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