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Self-sufficient supply

... Find answers to your questions regarding self-sufficient supply.

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What is the accounting period for self-sufficient supply services?

... The accounting period is the calendar year for self-sufficient supply services, i.e. from January to December of the same (calendar) year. The exception to that rule is when a change occurs at a metering point or suppliers are switched during the year. In such cases, the accounting period may be

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When do I receive an account reconciliation?

... A reconciliation is made in the bill for December, which you receive in January.

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What does an account reconciliation include?

... Your account reconciliation includes the difference between the quantity of electricity produced by your solar plant and transmitted to the network as a surplus during a given calendar year and the quantity of electricity drawn from the network due to the insufficient production during the same

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Will the lump sum amount be amended according to the annual account reconciliation and adjusted to data for the previous year?

... If you set up your solar power plant via GEN-I Sonce, we will adjust your lump sum amount to the data for the previous year according to the annual account reconciliation. If you yourself selected a fixed lump sum amount, the lump sum amount will not change until you inform us of your wish to make

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Can I carry the generated energy surplus forward to the next accounting period?

... No. Surpluses and deficits are not carried forward from one accounting period to another.

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Can I use surpluses at another metering point?

... Not the surpluses. You may, however, arrange for produced energy to be transferred to another metering point if that metering point is connected to the same transformer station as a self-sufficient supply device. Such relationships are regulated by the distribution operator.

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Do I get paid for produced energy surpluses?

... No. In accordance with the Decree on the self-sufficient supply of electricity from renewable energy sources, surplus electricity is transmitted unpaid to the seller. Nevertheless, GEN-I recognizes a discount for its customers in the amount of one monthly fee for every whole surplus MWh of

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How can I calculate annual household consumption?

... You can calculate total consumed electricity by subtracting electricity transmitted to the network (as seen on the meter under item 2.8.0) from produced electricity (as seen in the application) and adding that difference to electricity drawn from the network (also seen on the meter under item

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Meter and meter reading

... How to read and submit your meter reading.

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