... Of course. You can opt to receive a single bill. In addition, you can also combine your bills for several metering points for a specific energy product. This improves your overview of costs, while you save on payment commissions. The receipt of a single bill can be easily arranged on the Moj GEN-I
>Read more... In the event of the regular monthly submission of meter readings, your bills already include your actual natural gas consumption. If you forget to submit a meter reading or if you pay for natural gas based on estimated consumption, an account reconciliation will be performed after we receive your
>Read more... If you are classified in consumption group CDK1, you may receive quarterly bills. Information regarding the consumption group to which your consumption point belongs is found on your natural gas bill. Quarterly statements of account are drafted in regular billing periods: January–March, April–June,
>Read more... Complaints must be submitted in writing, most simply via the Moj GEN-I portal or via our e-mail address plin@gen-i.si.
>Read more... The simplest way to arrange payment via a standing order is via the Moj GEN-I portal. If you are not yet using the portal, we suggest you create a user account today. The portal offers a number of digital business advantages, such as an overview of consumption and payments, the prompt submission of
>Read more... As a supplier, GEN-I can only impact the price of natural gas, while other items on the bill are determined under the law by the Slovenian government and the Energy Agency. These items are the same for all suppliers: fee for distribution (lump sum, consumption) and measurements; the CHP and RES
>Read more... This procedure is fast and simple. Enter your meter reading in the form and confirm it. You can also activate free SMS notifications that will remind you each month of the deadline for the submission of meter readings. You can also monitor your previous consumption on the portal. You can access
>Read more... During the meter reading process, you can submit meter readings in the quickest way directly from your mobile phone. Just send us an SMS with the current meter reading to phone number +386 (0)30 200 111. Include the following in your SMS: the keyword STANJE; the designation ‘ZP’; the
>Read more... No. We recommend you submit meter readings if you wish to receive bills for actual consumption.
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