Governance (G)
In the management and governance of the GEN-I Group, we follow the highest requirements and hold ourselves to high standards. These are rigorously implemented, and govern the development of business with new and existing partners. In accordance with our core value of responsibility, we provide transparent, fair, and comprehensible insight into our business to customers, business partners, and the public.
Operating in line with ethical standards
The foundations of our success are business operations according to the highest standards of business ethics, and a Management Board that leads the company by example. In our daily operations, we pursue the highest standards of integrity and pursue zero tolerance for corruption and bribery, and we do not tolerate any unethical, unprofessional or illegal behaviour by employees or business partners. We ensure reliable and stable business operations through effective and robust management of various risks, and invest in the digitalisation of business and work processes to ensure business resilience.
We also attribute our success to active cooperation and open communication with all important stakeholders – employees, customers, owners, financial institutions, local communities, media, and non-governmental organizations. The expertise and integrity of GEN-I are also recognized at the European level, as our business partners elected us to the Board of Energy Traders Europe, the voice of European energy traders. When implementing our sustainability strategy and other strategic goals, we take into account the opinions of important stakeholders and encourage dialogue. In accordance with established international standards, we also include information on the company's non-financial position in annual disclosures and reporting.
We strive to cooperate with business partners and suppliers who follow the goals of sustainable development in their work and thus responsibly manage our supply chain.
Respecting human rights and the environment
At the GEN-I Group, we pursue the highest standards of ethical business, respect for human rights, and protection of the environment. We are committed to implementing our core values and principles, which include zero tolerance for corruption, a focus on employee safety and health, promoting social dialogue, and supporting environmental protection. The GEN-I Group also has zero tolerance for any form of modern slavery, degrading treatment, forced labour or child labour.
As a responsible company, the GEN-I Group undertakes to respect internationally recognized human rights and labour rights in accordance with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO). We continuously improve our policies and risk management systems in order to avoid, to the greatest extent possible, potential negative human rights impacts and to continue contributing to green and sustainable future.
As part of this commitment, we expect our business partners and suppliers to set standards within their organization that ensure the respect of human rights, protect the workers, ensure a safe and healthy workplace (in line with international standards), and mitigate potential adverse human rights risks and impacts.