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Submission of meter reading

Still don't have a reader, which submits your consumption remotely? You can submit your realized monthly consumption via Moj GEN-I or SMS.

Switch supplier

We arrange everything to switch your supplier in your name. All you have to do is send us the details and choose how to sign the contract.

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Monday–Friday: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: from 8 a.m to 2 p.m. Sunday and holidays: closed


GEN-I Dinamični - Samooskrba za male poslovne odjemalce

Sun Samooskrba
Regular Regular price list


GEN-I Dynamic – Self-Supply for Small Business Customers is linked to the hourly day-ahead electricity trading price index on the BSP energy exchange in Slovenia (SIPX). It is published in the Day Ahead section of the BSP SouthPool Energetska Borza website The hourly electricity price is equal to the sum of the SIPX* index and the mark-up.**

GEN-I Dynamic – Self-Supply for Small Business Customers excluding VAT including VAT (22%)
PMark-up for consumption (€/MWh)** 11,99 14,63
Mark-up for supply of electricity surpluses back into the network (€/MWh)*** -11,99 -14,63

All customers on the GEN-I Dynamic – Self-Supply for Small Business Customers price list are supplied with 100% solar energy.
*SIPXhourlyi is the hourly price index of electricity on the Slovenian day-ahead electricity market and is equal to the marginal price calculated at an hourly auction for the Slovenian market (Day Ahead – BSP SouthPool Energetska Borza:
**The mark-up for consumption is added to the SIPX index hourly market price. It includes the supplier’s costs arising from balancing deviations, exchange transactions, labour costs and the costs of the supplier’s assumption of the risk of an upward price limit and the supplier’s margin for electricity supply.
***The mark-up for the supply of electricity surpluses back into the network is subtracted from the SIPX index hourly market price. The purchase of a surplus of electricity generated by a self-supply unit is not subject to VAT if the small business customer is not a VAT-liable person/entity.

Price list details

This offer and price list take effect on 2 October 2024 and shall remain valid, until withdrawn or changed, for small business customers, i.e. low-voltage customers that are not households, have a connected power of less than 43 kW, and are included in an individual self-supply system under the provisions of the Decree on Self-Supply of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (Uradni list RS, 43/22) and Chapter V (Self-supply of electricity from renewable sources, the connection of self-supply units and renewable energy communities) of the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources Act (Uradni list RS, 121/21 and ff.). This price list does not apply to small business customers included in a community self-supply system.

A small business customer that signs a dynamic price contract is directly exposed to fluctuations in wholesale prices, which are changeable and unstable. This can lead to savings when wholesale prices fall and higher prices when wholesale prices rise.
Since the prices in this price list are linked to the wholesale market, customers may enjoy lower prices compared to those offered by ordinary contracts, but are also subject to the risk of unpredictable price rises. There are many factors that lead to price fluctuations, such as weather conditions, the energy crisis or political events, all of which can lead to greater financial uncertainty over the long term.

Graph of trends in the hourly SIPX electricity price index in past years:

The tariff prices on all price lists published on this page do not include excise duty for electricity, the costs of the network charge, the energy-efficiency levy, the levy for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources (the high-efficiency and renewable sources levy), the levy for the functioning of the market operator or any other charges levied by central government.
