The above-mentioned price list applies to small business customers who are included in the system of individual or community self-supply in accordance with the provisions of the Decree on the self-supply of electricity from renewable energy sources (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 17/19, 197/20 and 121/21 - ZSROVE) and Article 315a of the Energy Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 60/19, 65/20 and 158/20 - ZURE).
Electricity tariffs, monthly fee and reduced monthly fee prices applicable from 1 January 2024. On 1 January 2024, the change in the price of the electricity tariff, the change in the price of the monthly fee and the application of the reduced monthly fee when taking advantage of the ECO discount for electronic billing (for customers who choose to receive an electronic bill) will come into force. Notice regarding the implementation of the new prices can be found here.
Regular tariff prices (€/kWh)* | excluding VAT | including 22% VAT |
Single tariff (ET) | 0,14500 | 0,17690 |
Monthly fee (€/metering point/month) | excluding VAT | including 22% VAT |
Monthly fee* | 1,99 | 2,43 |
Reduced monthly fee when applying the ECO discount (€/metering point/month) | 0,99 | 1,21 |
*We supply electricity from 100% solar energy to all customers on the Regular Electricity Price List for Self-Supply of Small Business Customers. The price list will apply from 1 January 2024 onwards until revoked/amended. **The monthly fee is intended to cover part of the costs related to billing methods, investments in the development and the digitalisation of GEN-I’s business.
On 1 November 2022, the new tariff on the Regular Electricity Price List for Self-Supply of Small Business Customers will come into force. Notice regarding the implementation of the new price can be found here.
The electricity tariff and monthly fee prices are valid until 31 December 2023
Regular tariff prices (€/kWh) | excluding VAT | including 22% VAT |
Single tariff (ET) | 0,12400 | 0,15128 |
Monthly fee (€/metering point/month)* | 0,95 | 1,16 |
* From 1 January 2021 onwards we supply electricity from 100% solar energy to all customers on the Regular Electricity Price List for Self-Supply of Household Customers. The price list will apply from 1 November 2022 and will remain valid until the new regular price list comes into effect. The monthly fee is intended to cover part of the costs related to billing methods, investments in the development and digitalisation of GEN-I’s business.
For all customers - small business customers who, from and including 1 December 2022 until further notice, express an interest in entering into a contract for the supply of electricity and self-supply of electricity to a small business customer for a metering point to which a self-supply device is also connected, and which is subsequently entered into - we will, within the framework of the billing to be carried out by the seller, as a rule once a year on the basis of the DO’s billing data on the measured actual consumption of electricity from the grid and the measured delivery of electricity to the grid, taking into account the provisions of the Decree on the self-supply of electricity from renewable energy sources (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia Nos. 17/19 and 197/20) and in accordance with the provisions of the contract, take into account a benefit or discount as follows: if, at the end of the billing period, the amount of electricity generated and fed into the grid is greater than the amount of electricity withdrawn from the grid, the seller will grant the buyer a benefit in the monthly fee calculation for each whole MWh of excess electricity that the buyer transfers to the seller’s ownership free of charge. The benefit in the calculation of the monthly fee will be calculated as the product of each whole excess MWh (without decimals) and the amount of one (1) applicable monthly fee. The amount of the applicable monthly fee is set out in the electricity price list for self-supply. The benefit will be included in the calculation of the monthly fee in the next billing period.
If you choose to receive an electronic bill for each metering point (as a PDF bill in the Moj GEN-I portal or as an electronic bill in your online bank), you will be entitled to an ECO discount of EUR 1.00 excluding VAT (EUR 1.22 including 22% VAT) per month, thus reducing the cost of your monthly fee by half.
The tariff prices in all the price lists published on this website do not include the excise duty on electricity, the cost of the network charge, the energy efficiency contribution, the contribution to support the production of electricity from high efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources (CHP and RES contribution), the contribution to the operation of the market operator and any other levies imposed by the state.
The duration of each tariff item HT, LT and ST is defined in the Legal Act on the methodology for determining the network charges for the electricity system operators that are issued by the Energy Agency.
GEN-I, d.o.o.
Krško, 8. 11. 2023
Since January 1, 2021, we supply 100% solar energy to all customers for whom the regular pricelist for the self-sufficient supply of electricity to small business customers applies.
The pricelist has been valid since May 1, 2017 and remains valid until the entry into force of the new regular pricelist.
None of the tariff prices on pricelists published on this website include excise duties on electricity, network charges, the contribution for energy efficiency, the CHP and RES contribution (contribution to support the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources), the contribution for the functioning of the market operator or other fees imposed by the government.
The duration of individual PT, OT and ST items is defined in the Act on the Methodology for Determining the Regulatory Framework and Network Charges for the Electricity Distribution System, which is issued by the Energy Agency.