
Natural gas

All energy for your company in one place.

We ensure that all the energy you need for your small or medium-sized company can be arranged in one place. We'll make it even easier for you to do business with a joint electronic invoice for electricity and natural gas.

What do I need to switch suppliers?

Switching to GEN-I is simple. You can do it entirely online or call one of our friendly consultants for assistance.

>More about the simple switching of suppliers

Natural gas for new business premises

We arrange everything to begin the supply of natural gas to your new business premises, and save you time.

>Everything about natural gas for new business premises

How do I conclude a contract remotely?

You only require a computer or mobile phone, an internet connection and email address to conclude a contract with us.

>More about the paperless conclusion of a contract

I wish to reduce my company’s carbon footprint

Even though natural gas is not a carbon-free energy source, you can nonetheless reduce your carbon footprint by using it efficiently.

>More about the efficient use of natural gas

Switching of suppliers

Diligent, respectful and digital. That will be your experience when doing business with us if you entrust us with the supply of natural gas to your company. Complete the online form, and we will ensure that you are supplied natural gas by us as soon as possible.

General terms and conditions of GEN-I, d.o.o. for the supply of natural gas to household customers

Before signing a contract, please read the general terms and conditions of GEN-I, d.o.o. for the supply of natural gas to customers connected to the natural gas supply distribution system in consumption groups CDK1 to CDK8:

These general terms and conditions apply as of January 1, 2017, including the amendments applicable since May 1, 2022 (p. 5).

Frequently asked questions

No. Switching suppliers is free of charge.

The process of switching suppliers is very simple:

1. You complete the entire online form for switching suppliers yourself or choose to upload a photo/pdf of your most recent natural gas bill in the second step of the online form, on the basis of which we will prepare the contract documentation for you.

2. When concluding a contract electronically, the entire contract documentation is sent to your email address. You can then sign these documents electronically through a single click.

3. When concluding a contract in paper form, the entire documentation is sent to your permanent address. An envelope with prepaid postage will also be attached to the documentation. Please use this envelope to return a signed copy of the contract.

4. Leave the rest to us.

No. The supplier cannot impact the quality of supplied natural gas. 

No. Once you have sent the signed contract back to GEN-I, you have nothing else to do. We take care of all procedures and the termination of current contracts on your behalf at no extra cost. 

The following information is required to switch suppliers: 

  • personal information of the contract signatory (first name, surname, permanent residence and tax number);
  • contact information of the contract signatory (i.e. telephone number and/or email address);
  • number and address of metering point;
  • personal information of the metering point owner, if the owner and signatory are not the same person; and
  • current account number if you wish to arrange payment via direct debit (standing order). 

You can also find this information in the contract on access to the distribution system. Provide one of these documents prior to completing the form for switching suppliers. Our friendly consultants can assist you in completing your form via our toll-free number 080 1558, from Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 8 pm. 
