Regular price list
Regular price list
Regular price list
Regular price list
Regular price list
Discount price list
Regular price list
Regular price list
Notwithstanding the provision of point 3.7 of the general terms and conditions for the supply of electricity to household customers, GEN-I does not charge customers reminder costs in the event of a delay in the payment of electricity bills, the costs of the collection of unsettled liabilities or the full cost of such services if they are provided by third parties (enforcement officers, lawyers, etc.). This does not apply to the costs of enforcement proceedings that the court may order a customer to repay at a seller's request in formal proceedings, taking into account the rules set out in applicable legislation.
After making a call to the toll-free number 080 15 58, a caller receives a free SMS asking them to rate their satisfaction with GEN-I’s services. The return SMS is charged according to the current price list of the selected mobile telephony provider.
By clicking on a specific fee, you will be directed to a web page where you can find the act that sets out that fee.
The regular price list is valid until we introduce a new regular price list or until revoked.
No, the contract for the supply of electrical energy for household customers is without any contractual obligation.
If you have remote reading, you can regularly monitor your consumption via the Moj GEN-I portal and note which months have a higher consumption. However if your metering point doesn't have remote reading established, we advise that you regularly submit your meter reading and ensure that your bills reflect your genuine consumption. With this, you will be able to track your consumption via the Moj GEN-I portal and learn when you can reduce the most electricity consumption. Additionally, have a look at our savings tips, which provide practical tips on how to reduce electricity consumption.
If you decide to receive your bill in an electronic format, we will add a discount amounting to €1.00 ECO without VAT (€1.22 with VAT) thus halving your monthly metering point fee amount.
Technologies for obtaining and storing renewable energy sources are still more expensive than technologies for producing electricity from fossil fuels. To reduce the cost for construction and the price of electricity for end customers, the technology for producing electricity from renewable sources is being rapidly developed. Any research, development and subsequent construction carry various costs, which, in the case of renewable Hydro or Solar energy, are an investment into a brighter tomorrow. By paying a minimal fee for energy generated by either Solar or Hydro energy, you will make an important contribution to society's green transformation.
VT means peak-time, which in the case of a two-tariff reading, is recorded every workday from 6 in the morning until 22 at night. MT means off-peak, which is recorded every working day between 22 at night and 6 in the morning and additionally on Saturdays, Sundays and public Holidays for the entire 24-hour period.
ET means the Standard Tariff, which in the case of a single-tariff reading, is recorded every day for the entire 24-hour period.