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Submission of meter reading

Still don't have a reader, which submits your consumption remotely? You can submit your realized monthly consumption via Moj GEN-I or SMS.

Switch supplier

We arrange everything to switch your supplier in your name. All you have to do is send us the details and choose how to sign the contract.

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Monday–Friday: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: from 8 a.m to 2 p.m. Sunday and holidays: closed


Redni cenik za prevzem in oddajo električne energije pri samooskrbi gospodinjskih odjemalcev

Sun Samooskrba
Regular Regular price list


Electricity price tariffs effective from 1 March 2025

The new price tariffs in the Regular Price List for the Receipt and Supply of Electricity for Household Customers (Self-Supply) take effect on 1 March 2025. More information is available in the notice on the introduction of the amendment to the price list and the new tariff prices.

Self-supply price list (€/kWh) excluding VAT including VAT (22%)
Consumption – Single tariff (ST)* 0,10290 0,12554
Supply of electricity back into the network** 0,05390 /

*We supply all customers to whom the Regular Price List for the Receipt and Supply of Electricity (Self-Supply) for Household Customers applies with 100% solar energy.
**Price for the purchase of surpluses of electricity generated from renewable sources in a self-supply unit (in €/kWh). The surplus is the quantity of electricity from a self-supply unit supplied to the distribution network (in the case of individual self-supply) or the quantitative share of production attributable to a customer’s metering point (in the case of community self-supply) over a given billing period. The purchase of electricity surpluses generated by a self-supply unit is not subject to VAT.


Electricity tariff prices effective until 28 February 2025

Self-supply price list (€/kWh) excluding VAT including VAT (22%)
Consumption – Single tariff (ST)* 0,10370 0,12651
Supply of electricity back into the network** 0,05390 /

*We supply all customers to whom the Regular Price List for the Receipt and Supply of Electricity (Self-Supply) for Household Customers applies with 100% solar energy.
**Price for the purchase of surpluses of electricity generated from renewable sources in a self-supply unit (in €/kWh). The surplus is the quantity of electricity from a self-supply unit supplied to the distribution network (in the case of individual self-supply) or the quantitative share of production attributable to a customer’s metering point (in the case of community self-supply) over a given billing period. The purchase of electricity surpluses generated by a self-supply unit is not subject to VAT.


Prices under the Decree Setting the Price of Electricity

Maximum permitted single tariff price from 1 November 2024 to 28 February 2025 (€/kWh)* excluding VAT including VAT (22%)
Single tariff (ST) 0,07700 0,09394

*The price based on the Decree Setting the Price of Electricity (Uradni list RS, No 96/2024) applies for the entire period of electricity consumption from 1 November 2024 to 28 February 2025.

Price list details

This price list applies to household customers included in an individual or community self-supply system under the provisions of the Decree on Self-Supply of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (Uradni list RS, 43/22) and Chapter V (Self-supply of electricity from renewable sources, the connection of self-supply units and renewable energy communities) of the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources Act (Uradni list RS, 121/21 and ff.), with due regard to the provisions of a household customer’s electricity self-supply contract. The price list takes effect on 1 March 2025, and shall remain valid until withdrawn or changed.

The price list is based on 15-minute billing intervals, which enables energy to be calculated on a monthly basis in a more precise and equitable way. 

When you supply more energy back into the network than you use over a 15-minute interval, we purchase that surplus from you. The purchase of surpluses is automatic, which means that you can leave the selling process to us and enjoy reliable savings.

When you supply more energy back into the network than you use over a 15-minute interval, we purchase that surplus from you. The purchase of surpluses is automatic, which means that you can leave the selling process to us and enjoy reliable savings.

The new Decree Setting the Price of Electricity (Uradni list RS, No 96/2024, hereinafter: the Decree) came into force on 16 November 2024. It set the maximum permitted retail price for electricity for household customers for the period from 1 November 2024 to 28 February 2025. The table above shows the electricity price for an entire month’s consumption for each tariff separately.

The notice of commencement of the direct application of electricity prices under the Decree contains more information.

The Decree amending the Decree on the Method of Determining and Charging Levies to Support Electricity Production from High-Efficiency Cogeneration and Renewables (Uradni list RS, No 96/2024, hereinafter: Decree on the CHP and RES Levy) came into force on 16 November 2024. It extended the exemption from the payment of the CHP and RES levy for household customers and households customers included in a self-supply system to 28 February 2025.

The tariff prices on all price lists published on this page do not include excise duty for electricity, the costs of the network charge, the energy-efficiency levy, the levy for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources (the high-efficiency and renewable sources levy), the levy for the functioning of the market operator or any other charges levied by central government.

The tariff prices on all price lists published on this page do not include excise duty for electricity, the costs of the network charge, the energy-efficiency levy, the levy for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources (the high-efficiency and renewable sources levy), the levy for the functioning of the market operator or any other charges levied by central government.
