

Validity of regular electricity price lists following the removal of regulation

Discover the truth about upcoming changes in electricity pricing. Learn how the end of government regulation on March 1, 2025, will impact your energy bills.

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Smart passive greenhouse a step closer to realisation

Learn about GEN-I's sustainability competition and the Smart Passive Greenhouse project by Passivus.

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Successful opening of the exhibition and progress of the project “In Memory of the Greats”

As a proud sponsor of the project, one of the three winners of the GEN-I Sustainability Call 2024, we attended the opening of the art exhibition and the project presentation.

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GEN-I’s efforts to change the way the network charge is calculated

We present a series of detailed analyses of the concrete effect that the new network tariff regime will have on our customers’ energy bills.

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Enhancing Collaboration with the New SPOT+ Pricing Model

We have extended and upgraded our cooperation with the Senj wind farm, which has been part of our virtual power plant since last September.

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Delay in issuing 2024 self-supply accounts

Electricity self-supply accounts for 2024 will be issued a little later than usual.

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Amendment to the Articles of Association of GEN-I, d.o.o.

There has been an amendment to the Articles of Association of GEN-I, d.o.o. at the 66th regular meeting of company members which took place on 12 December 2024.

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Trading Challenge successfully completed by 81 candidates

We organized multi-week programme called Trading Challenge, aimed primarily at students and young workers interested in trading and analytics.

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Appointment of a Workers’ Director

The General Meeting has appointed Klemen Pleško, Director of IT at GEN-I, d.o.o., to the post of Workers’ Director.

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