... If you change your mind and wish to withdraw from the community, please inform us accordingly at elektrika@gen-i.si, and we will refund the entire registration fee.
>Read more... By paying the registration fee, you reserve yourself a place for the long-term lease of solar panels from power plants that will be included in the self-sufficient supply community in the future. We will construct power plants with a total output of 10 MW throughout Slovenia for this purpose and
>Read more... Answers to all your questions about electrical energy in one place.
>Read more... All users of the transmission or distribution system pay a network charge for the electricity they consume from the network at a given point of consumption and transmission. The network charge is calculated separately for the associated capacity (kw) and the electricity consumed (kwh). Under the
>Read more... The agreed capacity for system users with a connected load of less than or equal to 43 kW is determined by the electricity system operator as the average of the three peaks of time block 1 in the last 12 months prior to the determination of the agreed capacity, and for system users with a connected
>Read more... Excess capacity is the metered consumption in excess of the agreed capacity. It is determined on the basis of the achieved capacity of the system user in excess of the agreed capacity, as measured by a recorder of the 15-minute peak electricity consumption in each time block. The transitional
>Read more... Calculation of the capacity for system users for whom the 15-minute metering of the electricity consumed is recorded: In order to encourage active consumption and appropriate use of the electricity network, the capacity of system users for whom the 15-minute metering of the electricity consumed
>Read more... The excess capacity network charge will not be charged for the billing interval during which the 15-minute electricity metering was not provided. If the system user is provided with 90% or more of the relevant billing measurements in a given month, the provisions of the system operating
>Read more... Self-supply under the current annual netting system: An end user who already has a self-supply contract or who is about to join a self-supply system under the annual netting system will now be charged the network charge as follows: Capacity network charge: (based on the metered electricity
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