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Earthlings and our little place under the Sun

... GEN-I employees are involved in the Earthlings community. Our vision is food self-sufficiency, being more in touch with nature, environmental protection and striving for natural sustainable development.  We are modern urban agronomists from the ranks of GEN-I employees who, in addition to producing

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Get to know us: Matej Malenšek, energy services development associate

... What is your day like at GEN-I? Working from home, we meet for a virtual coffee in the morning to have a relaxed chat and discuss the challenges of the day.   At the moment, I am focused on managing a development and demonstration project involving seven partner companies from Slovenia in addition

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How we live our values to reward GENIUSES

... A few years ago, we identified five values as the key building blocks of our business, and they remain at the heart of our culture. In an environment of rapid technological, environmental and social change, our values are our constant. They shape our behaviour and the identity of our organisation.

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We believe in the power of virtues

... At the end of 2020, GEN-I announced its big project - the Culture of Virtues project, in which we support individuals and teams to unleash their unlimited potential. This is a project of strategic importance for the development of our employees. We have adopted the philosophy of positive psychology

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Recognition of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Green Onboarding

... As a promoter of the green transformation in the energy sector, we are aware that sustainability requires a new way of thinking and working. At GEN-I, we are aware that our work tasks will change significantly over time and future employees will have to be multidisciplinary, and have open

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Get to know us: Aleš Tavčar, Senior Quantitative Analyst

... In the Get to know us section, we introduce you to our people - who they are, what they do and what working at GEN-I means to them. Aleš, almost two years ago, you decided to make the leap from academia - you were a researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute - to business. What were the reasons for

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GEN-I Sports Association - from basketball to mountain biking

... We never run out of energy! This is the motto of the GEN-I Sports Club. We believe that it is by taking care of our health and staying "fit" that we can thereby be so successful in our mission.     We strengthen team spirit and cohesion by socializing in a more informal context through the

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Finalists for the 2021 HR&M Project award

... GEN-I’s strength relies on knowledge. We therefore focus on our greatest asset: our employees. In accordance with our values, as already noted on this website, we quickly responded to the unpredictable circumstances in which we found ourselves during the coronavirus pandemic that understandably

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New employees learn about their strengths during the onboarding period

... The onboarding period for each new employee begins on the first day of employment at GEN-I. The aim of the onboarding process is to familiarise new employees with the company's culture and values as well as to ensure their effective integration into the workplace. Professional development begins

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Get to know us: Mark Puh, cross-border trader

... In the Get to know us section, we introduce you to our people - who they are, what they do and what working at GEN-I means to them. What is the best/most exciting part of your day at GEN-I? The most exciting part of the day is definitely opening and managing new positions. Trading is one of the few

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